Thursday, January 24, 2019

Writing From Your Soul

People says that writing is easy, interesting as well. And I do agree. It is interesting and a kinda of soul therapy. But for some people, writing is a very hard work to be done. But how ever, especially for blogger, writing and expressing her/his mind into article is a must! 

Writing is related to the content/entry for his/her blog. Means, they have to write if wanna have an active blog. Writing is a must, if they wanna have the page rank increased!

But, it won't be easy any more when we face the 'writing block'. The ideas disappeared, nothing left to write. So what to do then? While the blog entry is waiting. :(

Actually, there is one thing that people is not aware, that ideas can come from any where. Do you realize that when you saw a paper or tissues or plastic bag thrown by a car's passenger to the street, means, you see the idea! Yea, that is a good idea to write about the waste management and sanitary topic. Or, when you found a child was crying in the crowded market, that is also the idea! It will be a good topic for caring and awareness. And others examples. Ideas are playing around us. Believe me, ideas are waiting to be seen by  you who are aware of them. 

Some friends then said, ok, we can have ideas from any where, but the next problem is how to process this idea to be a good article? How to be productive in writing? How to solve the 'writing block'?

Hm, ok, I am not a good adviser, but for myself, I have 3 simple tips to answer those questions.

1. Writing From Your Soul

This is the main point to be set in mind. Believe me, you will be surprised to see every thing flows smoothly when you let your soul to be involve in it. We will be able to write fluently when we let our mind to cooperate with our soul. :)

2. Think Creative [Maximize the Ideas]

As I said in the previous statement, ideas come from everywhere. Let your soul be involved in this writing process and never try to copy someone else's writing style. Be your self, have your own character. It will be a positive step to brand your self.

3. Feel Free to Write, Do not Imposes Your Self on the Writing Quality

Yes, this is also important to keep in mind. Never imposes your self about the article content and its quality. Any time you impose your self to write excellent topic, high quality, then you will face the writing block. You won't be able to express your idea freely, because of worrying about the content quality. You should change the strategy. To get a good quality article, start it by writing from your soul, feel free and be creative to maximize the ideas, and write freely using your own character. Be your self, and enjoy your writing. :)

Some simple tips in enjoying writing,
Al, Bandung, September 17th, 2013


  1. Nice tips, mak. No 3 is the most difficult part :)

    1. Yea, people think no. 3 is the most difficult part, but when we are able to set the mindset, it will be easy to flow. :)

  2. Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow...that's my magic mantra, Mak :D...sometimes my problems lie on focusing and choosing the right flow, as I tend to have so many ideas in my head...thanks for the tips, by the way..I didn't mean to be boastful but I found it easier to write in English than in Bahasa..and at some points, I don't really pay attention to the traffic in my blog or the stats of my readers..just keep simple as that... :D...

    1. Hehe, perfect mantra, Mak. :D. It works well. Haha.
      Agree with you too, never care about the traffice and stats, just keep writing since writing is a great soul therapy for us. :)

  3. Agree with Indah Nuria!
    Keep writing, don't worry about your traffic or stats.
    For me, writing = self healing :)

    1. Agreed, mak. Thanks for your visited and comment. :)

    2. that's why I didn't put anything about traffic, stats and rank in my blog, Mak. Just to be confidence on my writing, whatever the numbers said :)

    3. Yea, just write and write, because sharing the knowledge, tips, opinion or just a 'curhat', some how is worthwhile, even a lil bit, right, Mak? :)

    4. right, Mak, even writing for giveaway and blog competition mostly ahahaahaa... still lack of ideas to share, i'm a kinda moody person :)

  4. haahhhhh...tidak tau artinyaaaa :(

    mau blajar dari awal niii biar bisa ngomong Inggris, ga usah ahli, yang penting ga bengong waktu orang bicara :P

  5. love to write whatever in my mind..
    feel free to write on my blog.
    the problem is about the time..

    gaya..... sok sibukkk.. haha

    1. Yea, time is being the most problem we faced ya? Let's manage the time smartly though!

  6. Mbak, ini blognya khusus postingan bahasa inggris ya? *pendatang baru*

    Wah, bisa sambil belajar nih ^^

    1. Bener, Mbak, ini blog untuk postingan saya yang berbahasa Inggris. Yuk belajar yuk. :)

  7. I agree with not imposing on writing quality. When we think too much about if our writing is good enough or not, we'll get stuck with it... Just write and keep writing. Because the more we write, the better we do.

    1. Exactly right, Mak. The more we write, the better we do. Practice, practice and practice, then we'll see the result. It's being great, better and better. :)

  8. In my opinion, even though not imposing on writing quality -- at least -- we have to try, because as we all realize, many people, hopefully, will read our blog. Don't you think so, guys? So actually, the best way in trying is: do the best you can, without ignoring too much on writing quality, again, I have to say, at least, do write a good content. CMIIW. lv u all.

  9. When I can't sleep, I read then for a while I'll fall to sleep. It works !


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